The main protagonist of the Eyes of the Chronicler. He is meant to encounter four capture targets: Alicia Ascart, Nora Xeclyde, Charlotte Sorofya, and Lilian Ackermann and fight Roel Ascart as the first boss, and the main antagonist of the Academy arc. Roel, knowing this, is trying to change this destiny.
Appearance & Personality[]
Paul has black hair and blue eyes. He has a shy personality and is slightly forgetful.
He is loyal to his comrades and wants to prove his worth.
Powers and Abilities[]
He is generally weaker than those of the same age since he has had very little experience dealing with magic his whole life. Not long before he joined the Academy, he learned of his title as a prince and was introduced to a new world.
Before participating in the Challenger Cup, he was trained for a period by Roel. Since the training period was relatively short, Roel believed that Paul would not pass the preliminary rounds but he was proven wrong. Though Paul had suffered some injuries, he was able to outsmart one of the students from Knight Kingdom Pendor by tricking and rallying all the challengers against him while secretly obtaining a crystal, a prerequisite that allowed him to pass the rounds.
In the Eyes of the Chronicler, he improved his Origin Attribute and focused on summoning ancient and legendary weapons.
Paul is first introduced in LTBE in Chapter 233, though he was mentioned first in Chapter 2.
He went missing in the streets when he was still a child. It was only when he was sixteen that the royal intelligence network managed to find him. He was swiftly brought back to the royal palace to be inaugurated as a prince of the empire.
His lack of knowledge and etiquette swiftly led to his ostracization by the factions led by the other two princes. Eventually, Paul was sent off to the Country of Scholars, Brolne, to study.
Roel, in his attempts to stop the events of the prologue of the game, encounters Paul during his first day at Saint Freya Academy. There, Paul starts to respect Roel more and more for his impartiality towards him. Roel had also defended Paul against Austine princes who were attempting to make Paul leave though it was to prevent Paul's encounter with Nora.
Following the events of the game, he lost his money and was starving for two days. Breaking from the events of the game, he searches for Roel Ascart for food but also to join the Bluerose Faction. Roel accepts Paul into his Faction. Paul, Geralt and Roel form the Request Club where he helped Roel solve a mystery relating to evil cultists hiding within the Academy and even saving the lives of many. In the game, the evil cultists had escaped and a life was lost ending that section of the game very gloomily.
Eventually, Paul participates in the Challenger Cup and succeeds in passing the preliminary rounds and makes it to the main tournament.