Little Tyrant Doesn't Want to Meet With a Bad End Wiki

Origin Attributes are imparted to the world by the Goddess of Creation, Sia, as a means for individuals to control their transcendent powers. Origin Attributes determine the Evolution Pathways available for a magician. Some intelligent lifeforms also possess and Origin Attribute while demonic beasts can not possess one.

Before Origin Level 5, the growth of a transcendent's Origin Level depends on age and aptitude. Only transcendents who managed to reach Origin Level 5 are able to adopt an Origin Attribute and further advance their transcendental powers.

The ability to materialize the disorderly and corrupted mana into the form of one’s imagination could only be achieved through an Origin Attribute, and the minimum requirement for that was to reach Origin Level 5. This was the hallmark of a true transcendent. Due to this, Roel was able to judge that Nora was at least Level 5 in Chapter 44.

The method of growth through an Origin Attribute consists of the transcendent performing acts that conform to the nature of their Origin Attribute. Transcendents of the Courage Origin Attribute would grow with acts of valor, and transcendents of the Compassion Attribute would grow with acts of kindness, so on and so forth. The Origin Attribute would also, in turn, affect one's personality as well, driving one's personality to be more in line with the Origin Attribute.

An Origin Attribute could be dangerous as transcendents of lower Origin Level could be influenced by transcendents of higher Origin Level possessing the same Origin Attribute, though the influence appears only to be significant in the case of ancient gods. The influence could be positive or negative. For example, Grandar is capable of granting blessings upon transcendents who have adopted the Strength Origin Attribute and strengthen the overall prowess of the Strength Cult, but at the same time, he's also able to influence their minds and make them do his bidding if he wills so.

Three Main Origin Attributes[]

The Three Main Origin Attributes are namely Compassion, Wisdom, and Courage, which are monopolized by the Saint Mesit Theocracy, Country of Scholars Brolne, and Knight Kingdom Pendor respectively.

They are known to be the safest Origin Attributes for humans due to the minimal side effects and the lack of ancient gods to influence adopters of these Origin Attributes, making them the only universally accepted Origin Attribute for humankind. On top of that, the nature of these three Origin Attributes usually forms a virtuous cycle in societies that brings about positive externalities. For example, adopters of the Compassion Origin Attribute grow stronger with acts of kindness, which, in turn, allow them to be promoted to higher positions, granting them more power to do good.

Any transcendents that adopt Origin Attributes aside from the Three Main Origin Attributes are considered to be either heretics or evil cultists, with the exception of Bloodline Origin Attributes. Other than the Three Main Origin Attributes, which are the most compatible for humans, other types are either extremely unstable or unsuitable for humans. Attempting to develop such Origin Attributes could lead to devastating consequences, such as a failure to evolve or other adverse side effects.

Bloodline Origin Attributes[]

Bloodline Origin Attributes are also generally accepted by humankind due to the specificity of the Origin Attribute to a bloodline, which makes it unlikely that there's an ancient gods above to influence the adopters of these Origin Attributes.

These Origin Attributes are usually comes in pairs with bloodlines and are considered to be a perfect fit, though only very few bloodlines have a corresponding Bloodline Origin Attribute. An example would be Roel's Kingmaker Bloodline and the Crown Origin Attribute. The perfect compatibility between the two would allow him to draw forth the full prowess of the Crown Origin Attribute.


Heretics are transcendents who have adopted Origin Attributes aside from the Three Main Origin Attributes and Bloodline Origin Attributes.

While most Heretical Origin Attributes aren't malevolent in nature, heretics are still considered to be a potential danger to society due to the unknown lineage of their Origin Attributes, which means that there's a possibility that there's an ancient god present to influence adopters of these Origin Attributes. While most ancient gods are in hibernation and unable to exert their influence, there's still a chance that they could awaken. If an ancient god were to exert a malevolent influence on his heretical followers, they could potentially be converted into evil cultists.

Most heretics understand this fact as well, which is why they respect and fear the ancient gods they worship.

In view of this, most countries are unwilling to take in heretics, and there's widespread discrimination against heretics as well. Most heretics are unable to take on normal jobs and can only work as mercenaries or become adventurers in order to make a living.

Heretics are banned from entering the Holy Capital and all Genesis Goddess Churches, which means that they aren’t entitled to the benefits that the church provides, and they will be sidelined by the common populace.

Evil Cults[]

Evil cults are transcendents who have adopted Origin Attributes that are malevolent in nature or have a malevolent ancient god above them, resulting in them being a menace to society.
